Exploring Ontario
After returning home to Ontario after being away for about a year and a half, I was excited to start exploring places I'd never been in the province I grew up in. Its funny to think before I left home I was never interested in hiking or photography, the two most prominent things in my life today. Which possibly made my first month home quite exciting. In my first few weeks home, I was unemployed and just settling back into the life I left behind quite some time ago. This time I wanted it to be different though, I wanted to still feel the fulfillment travel has brought to my life as well as learn to enjoy a place I once strongly dispiced. Below are some pictures from various hikes I did just after returning home. The first set of photos are from a day I went to Hamilton with a good friend I met in Vancouver, we went to various waterfalls, walked behind the falls and just had an over all great day of exploring Hamilton in the fall. The second set are from a solo trip I took up to the bruce peninsula one day when I was feeling restless around the house. I took a day trip and hiked along the bruce trail in Tobermory. The following, is from a day with the same friend from Vancouver at Scarborough Bluffs. We spent the day running up and down these ridges, laughing, sharing old memories and in indulging in yummy vegan food at the end of it all. The rest include, a trip day trip to Algonquin, hiking around Rockwood Conservation area, and a few extra photos that I took driving around Ontario. These are just some of my favourite memories since being back home. Creating moments like this make it easier to be home even when I wish I were traveling instead.